How should I feed myself from now on?
The timing of the right diet is actually a lifestyle. If you are eating wrong, you need to do this; It is the completion of the diet before the pregnancy and the same order afterwards. It will be appropriate to take each food group with the correct percentages. A small amount of fat, carbohydrates, more vitamins and protein should be taken. The proportions of these values vary according to the woman’s age, height, body mass index and should be personalized. We should strive to find our own diet, accepting our personal differences, and seek help if necessary.
Do I get nauseous? What should I do if it happens?
Nausea, which can start around 6 weeks when pregnancy begins, occurs when pregnancy hormones stimulate the nausea center. You don’t have to have nausea, but don’t worry when it actually happens. This process should be seen as one of the natural parts of pregnancy and should be instilled like this. There is no problem with the supreme you do not vomit everything you eat. However, if you vomit too much or do not drink fluids, you can get fluid and electrolyte supplements through the vascular access. This treatment replaces the fluid you lost. However, when the effect of anti-nausea medications passes, your nausea will start again. If you feel very uncomfortable, some nausea medications may be recommended by mouth. These medications will relax you, but your nausea will not go away as long as the healthy hormone process of pregnancy continues. With 10-12 weeks after placenta takes over hormone production, your nausea will gradually relax.
If your weight loss is evident, if your urination is very low, if your nutritional disorder is very severe, you can stay in the hospital for a while and get the liquid-electrolyte support for several days. How many kilos should I gain during pregnancy? It is recommended that the average weight gain is between 9-13. Here again, age, body mass index and height are important. The World Health Organization recommends gaining at least 6 kilos for a baby to grow. It is not true that the weight taken is too little or too much. During pregnancy follow-up, you can often master the situation by sharing the balance between your own weight gain and the baby’s weight gain with your doctor.
What should I not eat?
What you should not eat during pregnancy is actually what you should not eat outside of pregnancy. You should avoid chips, acidic beverages, ready-made juices, processed shelf products, canned food, all foods and beverages with hormones and additives. Since over-healthy products will bring harm rather than benefit, it will not be correct to overdo the sense of responsibility. In the meantime, it is necessary to be sensitive about jam, nutella and desserts and to eat as a reward on certain days of the week, but not to make it a daily routine.
When should I start sports?
The answer to this question is all about your current lifestyle. If you are already doing sports, your job is very easy. Because a little more softening 9-12. you can start after the week. If you do not do any sports, it is useful to take a walk after the 12th week.
What sports can I do?
The question is about your current lifestyle. If it is a part of your sports life, you can continue in a way that does not require excessive effort and is not dangerous about what kind of sports you are dealing with. Preferably outdoors, you can walk on the treadmill if it is not possible. You can do mat pilates without straining your abdominal muscles. You can work out your leg and arm muscles with small weights, and you can do resistance exercises with tires that are suitable for you.
If you are not doing any sports before, it is very convenient to walk by determining your personal limits without disturbing yourself at the speed and time that will not tire you. In the meantime, you can work on your own or, better yet, with a trainer to do mat pilates, aerobic exercise, and resistance for your muscles. However, you can start with very slow and short periods and increase the duration and a little bit of intensity over time.
By the way, it is one of the most beautiful sports to swim in, but it will not be suitable to use crowded pools without making sure that infection control is done very well.
Can I do yoga and breathing exercises?
The answer to this question is in fact related to your past as in sports. If you do yoga 2-3 times a week, you can start after 9-12 weeks. If you have never started, you should start after 12 weeks with an instructor and continue like this. Its frequency can still be 2-3 times a week. In fact, I think that no activity once a week is very injured. Gaining discipline to the body is only possible with continuity of education.
You can learn and practice breathing exercises every week and every time.
Can I drink tea, coffee and herbal tea?
ou can easily drink black tea, linden, fruit tea. Although there is no evidence of evidence based medicine for coffee, I do not mind avoiding too much caffeine stimulation and drinking coffee 3-4 days a week as Turkish coffee or filter coffee. However, I recommend you to stay away from objection.
It is mentioned that there is ‘son herb’ in green tea, salvia and melissa tea and this herb also increases uterine contractions. I find it helpful not to take it.
Should I take Omega 3?
Again, there is no evidence that using omega 3 preparations in evidence-based medicine during pregnancy contributes to the development of their babies’ intelligence. However, it is okay to take it in mothers who do not like fish or eat it for health reasons. As a result, its positive effects on vascular, brain, skin health and metabolic rate cannot be denied. If you eat fish twice a week, no additional intake is required as a nutritional supplement. Considering that Omega 3 prolongs bleeding time, its dose should not be exaggerated and should be stopped at around 35-36 weeks at the latest.
Will my working life harm my baby?
Our children actually start a common life that they will share with us during pregnancy. One of the biggest difficulties of being a woman working in Istanbul is to stay in traffic for a long time, leave the house very early and return very late. In this case, working overtime will tire both you and your baby. Apart from these, it would be appropriate to avoid fatigue physically, try to avoid workplace stress (as much as possible), and if you are dealing with radiation or chemicals, stay away during your pregnancy. Apart from these, of course, unless your working life harms you, it will not harm your baby.
Will anxiety and stress harm my baby?
Perhaps the only place we protect our children from anxiety and stress is the mother’s womb. We can definitely experience great emotional traumas such as deep anxiety, unhappiness, hopeless periods, losing our relatives. Although there is a psychological theory that these times may lead to restless babies, I think that the feelings we convey after birth are important. Our mood can affect everyone in our lives. But first it affects ourselves.
Does ultrasonography harm my baby?
Ultrasonography is a technology that works using sound waves and does not contain radiation. So it has no proven harm. However, the heat generating effect of doppler ultrasonography should be taken into consideration and used when necessary to protect the fetus from heat damage. It would be correct to avoid doing doppler especially in the first weeks of pregnancy.
Can there be sexual intercourse or is there a limitation?
There is no evidence-based medical recommendation that sexual intercourse is harmful from the early weeks of pregnancy. I suggest reducing or interrupting the frequency of sexuality in the first 7-8 weeks of pregnancy. When I understand that pregnancy is comfortable, I say that the ban is meaningless after this week. The absolute situations that you should avoid sexual intercourse will be conveyed to you by your doctor at the right time. Pain, bleeding, threats of miscarriage, threat of preterm labor, suspicion of amniotic fluid, placenta insertion into the cervix are some of them.
How long should I rest?
The answer is clear: as much as your body and soul need. Here, you are expected to set your limits and meet your resting needs fairly. Whether you are working or not, you should definitely devote yourself the rest time that corresponds to your tiredness at home or at work.
Can I travel and when can I travel?
You can travel if your pregnancy is natural and your doctor does not mind traveling. Sexual intercourse is actually valid here. It would be correct to avoid traveling after the 36th week. As we know early, we may risk giving birth on the roads or wherever we go. Of course, it is useful to choose a comfortable mode of transportation while traveling. You can travel by car, but after 6-8 hours, even if the risk of car travel does not increase, its torment will increase. In the meantime, you should stay away from the idea of lying down in the back seat and wear a seat belt in whatever position you sit. Remember that we have reached 100 times our weight during sudden braking and impact. Air travel will be a better choice especially for long distance roads.
When should I take a prenatal leave?
In the 32nd week, if possible, you should use your legal prenatal leave and rest. You should definitely rest to enter both the birth process and the postpartum period with a healthy body and mental state. If the time you spend with your baby after birth is limited and you have little right to leave, you can continue working with your doctor in any week until 37th week without risking pregnancy health.
Can I have a vaginal birth?
If the conditions are suitable, all women can give birth normally. When you make a vaginal birth decision considering your special pregnancy health conditions and your baby’s characteristics, keep on walking on your way by acting brave and patient. Of course, there may be medical or personal problems that will discourage you from this decision. Then you should evaluate the current conditions with your doctor and review your decision.
Is there anything I can do or you can do to facilitate vaginal delivery?
First you need to overcome your fear. How the level of pain is perceived is directly proportional to the level of fear. No one can say that birth pain is easy. But this is the natural way to experience this miracle of nature. Since the labor carries a hope and happiness together, the pain becomes painful.
We see that women who play active sports, walk regularly and have high exertion capacity are stronger in labor. Likewise, pilates, yoga and breathing exercises are also factors that facilitate the process. If you do not have a medical disability, please try to have an active pregnancy as much as possible. You will find the benefit of being dynamic in every period of pregnancy, birth and puerperium.
I want to be a cesarean, is there any drawback?
‘The body is yours, the decision is yours.’
Caesarean might not be an objectionable decision, but a choice. It requires delivery in an abdominal way surgically. You can perform your birth with general or epidural-spinal anesthesia preferences by waiting for the end of the 39th week as much as possible.
How long can I recover after the birth?
If you have had a seamless vaginal birth or cesarean, you will recover very easily. The duration of the healing process depends a little on your body and mood. If you have given birth during a difficult birth and cesarean period or at the end of a high-risk pregnancy, you should best survive your recovery period in cooperation with your doctor.
Is there anything I should do to prepare for breastfeeding?
In fact, there is no evidence of the benefit of breastfeeding preparation before giving birth. If you suffer from dry nipple, redness, you can apply natural extra virgin olive oil or get support from epithelial creams recommended by your doctor. The main process will begin after birth. The best measure is to use breast milk as a pomade right after breastfeeding and to keep the nipple dry by ensuring that it is in contact with air.
Is there anything I should do to prepare for breastfeeding?
In fact, there is no evidence of the benefit of breastfeeding preparation before giving birth. If you suffer from dry nipple, redness, you can apply natural extra virgin olive oil or get support from epithelial creams recommended by your doctor. The main process will begin after birth. The best measure is to use breast milk as a pomade right after breastfeeding and to keep the nipple dry by ensuring that it is in contact with air.
Caesarean section is generally used to reduce the risks when it is not possible to complete vaginal delivery safely or when the mother or baby’s illness or life risks increase with vaginal delivery.
Cesarean Indications in General
Conditions about the baby
Low fetal heart beat (impaired fetal well-being)
Fetus’ leading part of the (presentation) anomalies:
Breech arrival
The arrival of the forehead
Face arrival
Side stance
Multiple pregnancies
Fetal anomalies (such as hydrocephalus, sacrococcygeal teratoma)
Maternal conditions
Previous uterine surgery (such as myomectomy, cesarean section)
Systemic diseases (such as diabetes, hypertension, preeclampsia)
Presence of infections that can pass from mother to baby (herpes simplex, HIV, hepatitis C)
Conditions of birth
Head pelvis incompatibility (Roof stenosis)
Non-progressive labor (Prolonged action)
Huge baby (Fetal macrosomia)
Conditions of umbilical cord and placenta
Cord sagging
Placenta previa (Lower placenta)
Placental detachment (premature separation of the placenta)
Vasa previa
Social indication: cesarean at the request of the mother
The incoming part of the baby can change constantly in the early weeks of pregnancy because the baby is small and the area where it will move is quite large. From the 36th week of pregnancy, the way of arrival is fixed. Side posture, cesarean should definitely be preferred for the arrival of the feet. Also, it is appropriate to perform cesarean delivery due to birth difficulties and possible complications, especially in the woman who has her first birth. When the baby comes into the birth canal with a very large surface, delivery may not be possible or there may be difficulties that the baby may be damaged. Therefore, it is suitable to have a cesarean.
Baby heartbeats are monitored intermittently or continuously, depending on the nature of the pregnancy during labor. If the drops in the baby’s heartbeat are in the criteria that may cause oxygenation disorder (fetal distress: deterioration of the well-being of the fetus), emergency cesarean should be performed. In case of cord sagging, emergency cesarean should be performed as the blood flow to the baby will stop. In the placental detachment, the vital area that connects the baby to the mother is the placenta; It will leave the uterus slowly or quickly with bleeding occurring behind it. It carries an emergency cesarean indication.
In the absence of head pelvis, delivery may not occur due to the large head of the baby or the narrow pelvis. Here, the risk of non-progressive labor or birth trauma increases. The large baby (baby over 4000 g) may also have a non-progressive labor and a shoulder attachment. A cesarean section reduces the likelihood of complications.
In masses like large myomas obstructing the birth tract, the baby cannot be delivered vaginally. Again, in the lower placement of the placenta (placenta previa), it will not be possible for the baby to pass into the vagina and also severe bleeding will be expected. Here, cesarean planning should be done during pregnancy. However, in placenta previa, the decision is made only around the 36th week. Because, in the early weeks of pregnancy, many placenta located downwards settle at a point above as the uterus grows and do not block the birth path. In the vasa previa, if the amniotic sac is torn, the baby can be lost with severe bleeding and cesarean should be applied.
In active herpes simplex infection, if the infection passes to the baby, severe problems that may affect the central nervous system of the baby may appear. In the presence of active genital condyloma (human papilloma virus), common condylomas can be seen in the baby’s respiratory system (respiratory papillomatosis). The presence of both infections is a cesarean indication.
Previous uterine surgeries (such as fibroid operations, previous cesarean section) may cause problems in the 1st and 2nd stages of vaginal delivery. The original state of tissue integrity is now deteriorated, although the section that had previously been incised and replanted, that is, the repaired part, healed perfectly. During the pain, that is, contractions, this old incision site can be thinned out and then torn. This table, called uterine rupture, is life-threatening for the baby and the mother and has an indication for emergency surgery. Normal delivery can be tried after a certain period of previous cesarean operations. However, it is necessary to be aware of these risks. It is useful to know the old incision shape. If the incision is made vertically, normal delivery should never be attempted. If a transverse incision has been made, normal delivery can be tried by keeping the risks in mind and keeping the emergency surgery ready.
The way of delivery can be determined during the course of pregnancy, or it can be determined during labor.
In a woman with previous history of uterine surgery, such as previous fibroid surgery, old cesarean section, in the presence of hypertension or diabetes in the mother, if the placenta is located low, this decision may be in favor of cesarean delivery during pregnancy. During the normal course of the pregnancy, it is decided during the delivery process in cases such as progression of labor (prolonged action), drops in the baby heart beats, placental detachment, cord sagging.
Indeterminate indications of cesarean section include advanced maternal age, obesity (obesity), microinjection pregnancies. In advanced maternal age, pain quality and pain resistance decreases and birth anxiety is added to the woman who is pregnant with her first baby at a later age. In this case, cooperation in the birth management of women becomes difficult. In obesity, besides pain quality, duration, large baby, small baby according to week or difficulties related to pelvic factors may be experienced. However, obesity also takes into account the healing difficulties that can be caused by excessive fat tissue at the cesarean section. As the frequency of systemic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes increases in advanced maternal age and obesity, the possibility of cesarean delivery increases. In microinjection pregnancies, when pregnancy begins, it starts out like every normal pregnancy.
The frequency of cesarean is naturally high in multiple pregnancies. However, in single pregnancies, the anxiety and desire of the mother and the medical condition of the baby and the mother should be decided.
While performing cesarean section, general anesthesia or epidural-spinal anesthesia can be applied. Prior to discussing with anesthesiologists, it is possible to decide which method is more appropriate.
The baby is removed shortly after the mother sleeps during general anesthesia. For this reason, it is not correct to mention the possibility of exposing the baby to anesthesia. General anesthesia may be preferred in mothers who are afraid of operating theater, do not want epidural-spinal anesthesia or whose medical condition is not suitable for epidural-spinal anesthesia. In epidural-spinal anesthesia, the mother remains awake during the birth of her baby without pain. However, it can perceive feelings such as withdrawal and stretching. During the procedure, low blood pressure and nausea may be experienced. The most common side effect is severe headache, which starts after 24-72 hours. It occurs due to continued leakage of cerebrospinal fluid through the epidural space, and effective pain relief with abundant fluid is required. The headache process can last 7-10 days and lying flat will relieve pain.