I wanted to be a doctor in all of my life. With this motivation, I had worked to get this Professional job and reach my target and have still been working happily and continuously.
I graduated form Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty, which is always one of the institutions I adore the education culture, in 1993, with the confidence of having perfectly and most comprehensively educated on medicine. I had completed my speciality post gradutate on obstetrics and gynecology luckily at the same institute in 1998.
As soon as I received my post graduate expertise diploma, I started to work at Kadikoy Sifa Hospital in 1998. I gained great experience during the years I worked there caring and treating the patients and patient relatives from Istanbul and the neighbouring cities. Kadikoy Sifa Hospital was an “ecole” where we physicians have shared and increased the medical enthusiasm and experience. I will always remember those days with great appreciation and dignity.
My ultimate eagerness has always been continous learning, thus the key fort he sucess, according to me, is learning new and challenging values every day. Fort his reason, I started to get In-vitro fertilization on the job specialization program in Vehbi Koc Foundation Amertical Hospital In Vitro Fertilization Department in 2010 and completed that in 2014 being accredited by this priviliged hospital.
Additionally I completed my other specialization on the Functional Medicine, with an education between 2018-2019. Functional medicine has always been on my loop as I believed that this is a fundamental part of the holistic medicine. It is of great importance during pregnancy, infertility and menapuse follow-up care, and re-words the nutrition, endocrinology and metabolism on a contemporary manner, which I experienced personnaly its curing impact during my life.
The friends and fellows I gained, and the professional experience of mine, motivated me to run my own clinic, and in 2016, I activated my clinic in Bagdat Street.
Wellness is a concept we get both physically and mentally, and I believe that we need to work on real happiness on a sophisticated manner.
Eventually, I formed the Femme Institute Platform in Autumn 2019.
Femme Institute, has been working hard to deliver the cure and solutions on Obstectics and Gynecology, In vitro Fertilization, Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgey and Non-surgical Medical Aestetics applications.
Anatomik Stress İnkontinansta Cerrahi Tedavi Sonuçlarımız İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi, 1998
2.VKV American Hospital In Vitro Fertilization Certificated Training
1.5.Turkish German Gynecology Association & 2.Productive Medicine Controversial Issues and Solutions Joint Congress Antalya 16-20 May 2003